It's stinky.
You never know what you will find lurking in its midst.
There's a sure chance toxic waste will be involved.
The daunting task I face today requires a strong back, stout heart, steady nerves, and a deep and abiding faith in a loving God who will not abandon me, even as I stare into the maw of evil.
That's right, it's . . .


Laundry Day
Lord help me, it's gonna get worse before it gets better.
Dinner last night: ravioli
Cool font! You're gonna 'get medieval on' that laundry!?
That description had me fearing I was about to be staring at a picture of a big ole nasty spider! My second guess was totally laundry...:P Have, um...Fun!
I am staring at the same thing right now as I type this! Too funny!! Laundry and dishes are my never ending plight!
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