My eldest daughter wore braces for a year, not to straighten her teeth but to move things around to make room so the rest of her adult teeth can come in properly and to fix an overbite. Or so I'm told. What do I know about malocclusion or palatal expansion or frenulum labii superious? Knowing my luck, "braces" are just a big orthodontia scam that separates guilt-ridden parents from their hard-earned cash.

Dinner last night: honey chicken, rice, corn on the cob, green salad
Wow! I can't get over how it brought her front teeth together. Cool! My Andrew will need them since he sucks his dad burn thumb at night. =( It has his front 4 teeth doing on oval type thing. =( He does it after we tuck him in and are in bed ourselves I guess. =\
Dinner sounded yummy. =)
Wow- her teeth look awesome!
I was thinking, "hey, that looks pretty good", then that Jack-O-Lantern almost made me jump out of my seat! Whoa!
too early to tell for JACK, he's only 9
Both my kids would probably benefit from braces but they keep saying "no way" every time the dentist brings up the subject! I'll show them your photos - shows how well braces work.
BTW, it's funny how you say "braces" like in the UK - I always thought Americans said "retainers" - perhaps I'm getting muddled, or maybe it's an Alaskan thing...
Isn't it ironic how the first set of baby teeth come in perfectly straight and pearly white, only to be replaced by a second set like that?
I bet your oldest is really glad to be done with them!
Oh boy! Nice! We have not started down that road yet, but we are getting buckled up for the ride. EEEEK. So much for college savings, might have to dip in a bit.
(but doesn't it seem like EVERY child is referred these days? didn't god get anybody's teeth right?? hmmmmm)
Priceless! ;o)
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