My favorite moment of Christmas occurs just before midnight on Christmas Eve. I'm the only one up. I've finished cleaning the kitchen, wrapping the presents, and stuffing the stockings, and am ready to head up the stairs and fall into bed. The house is quiet and dark, except for the sparkling lights on the tree.

Reverence. Gratefulness. Anticipation.
The kids were so excited about their gift for me that they made me open it FIRST!
it's a Snuggie!
I was really good about not going overboard on the gifts this year. Part of it was finances, part of it was experience. I bought my 3-year-old twins two toys: a farm animal set and . . .

It wouldn't be Christmas without our best friends and their family over for dinner.

This year, it's official. We've turned into our parents . . .
the children have been assigned to a kid's table!
I hope you and your families all experienced a wonderful holiday together. Now, throw out the cookies and fudge and pies and cakes. And candy canes and toffees and truffles and peanut brittle. The High Festival of Butter has ended. It's time to get serious and lose some weight. Yeah, yeah, I know. Starting January 1.
Dinner last night: leftovers and cookies
I heard the Snuggie was the #1 gift this Christmas. It's funny that a year ago I was making fun of it like crazy, but now I've bought three. One for myself and two as gifts. I love it!
Anyway, it sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas!
Nice to share your Christmas via your blog. We, too, simplified this year. All gifts were either from a local resale store called, cleverly, Phase 2 or handmade by me or by Russ.
Christmas was fun with our little "adopted grandchildren." It is also very nice when their parents take them home when the "melt-down" occurs.
Yesterday was our 45th wedding anniversary. We'll celebrate in May instead of so close to Christmas. We plan a May trip to Isle Royale and a party to mark both our anniversary and the 50th year since Russ first set foot on "our island"... Barbara
I love my snuggie so much. Prepare for life to get so much better than you ever thought it could be! :)
I wanted to get my mom and stepdad each a snuggie but can you believe every single store had run out of them??!!
Every year I say I'm not gonna go overboard on gifts for the kids but I always do. This year when I asked Tim to help me wrap the gifts and I kept walking in from the garage with bags of toys one after the other, he rolled his eyes and said, "YOu really need to control yourself around the holidays".
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