This past weekend was gorgeous. Hot and sunny. I kicked all the girls outside and then headed to the garage to tackle the mountain of boxes that has been sitting there ever since we moved into this house over two years ago.

They say confession is good for the soul. It better be, because I don't want to embarrass myself for nothing . . . This is what my garage looked like BEFORE.

I set up three landing areas to help me sort stuff: KEEP, DONATE, and SELL. The fourth area was a big garbage can.

In this AFTER picture the garage still looks cluttered, but trust me, it's so organized! Those four stainless steel shelves are on wheels, so I can easily pull one out to get at a box. I hope that over time I can find the mental strength to go through each of those boxes and get rid of the contents, but for now, they contain items that I just can't part with. Speaking of parting with . . .

My daughter's soccer team has scheduled a big yard sale in a couple of weeks, so these items will be donated to that fundraiser.

If you haven't tried selling stuff on craig's list, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Baby items, in particular, sell very quickly.
Dinner last night: manicotti
What a great idea to organize your items that way in the driveaway!! When we clean our garage, everything we want to get rid of ends up in one big pile and then we have no clue what to do with it all!!
I bet you feel great to have gotten all that out of the way!!
today we went to the storage unit and the room looked similar to your garage. but it is like christmas everytime we see our things.
Your garage looks fabulous! You have totally inspired me to get cracking on my own organization! I am a huge fan of craigslist!
WOW! It looks awesome! Hmm .... I should tackle the basement, and the garage, etc.
Way to go Kim! The garage looks great! :)
I so need to do that, especially in my attic and basement. ugh :)
You will be my inspiration. :)
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