Thursday, December 16, 2010

COO - KEE!! Ruhm! Yum! Um!

One of my family's favorite Christmas traditions is baking and decorating sugar cookies. This year, the twins joined us for the first time. I didn't know what to expect from them—sprinkles poured directly onto the floor? eating the frosting straight from the bowl?—but they were so creative and focused. They sat at the table for a good 45 minutes, working diligently and carefully. It's a Christmas miracle.

My 10-year-old was clowning around and deliberately dabbed frosting on her nose, but the twins were too busy for hijinks. Cookie decorating is serious business.

Cookies don't have to be pretty to be pretty special.

Dinner last night: spaghetti and meatballs, corn, salad


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oh aren't they cute? And what a great job they did too!

Stephanie Faris said...

Those look delicious! I was surprised that my 10-year-old stepdaughter sat down and artfully crafted together a cookie graveyard I got her at Halloween. She loved it -- she was so focused and did a really good job. As long as she has someone to join in and do it with her, she loves stuff like that.

Heather~sheaaa6 said...

Awwwww so cute and the cookies look yummy! =]

Lisha @ DeLovely Life said...

Your babies are adorable and I seriously want to destroy those cookies..Nom nom nom!! That sounds like a lovely Christmas miracle.

Katherine said...

This looks like fun. I always plan on doing this, but the time always goes by too fast. Although I did let the boys help me decorate cookies once. I was sweeping up sprinkles for weeks.

Mother Mayhem said...

Ah... But the are pretty! :o)

I can't cook. Can't bake either. I bought a box of Little Debbie gingerbread men. LOL

glitzen said...

That first picture is FANTASTIC!! What a story it tells. I just love it!!!!

We also make sugar cookies. Its not Christmas without them. Or the frosting streaks on the ceiling. :)

Michelle said...

Looks like a great time. I love that the twins were so into it.

Karen M. Peterson said...

So fun!

We don't do sugar cookies in my mom's house. We make butter cookies, which are less sweet. I don't love the process of decorating them because it just seems like it never ends. But I always love the finished product.