My daughter is an artistic genius, I tell you. While all the other three-year-olds are mindlessly drawing happy faces, my little Edvard Munch is thinking deep thoughts and sketching the grim faces of this world.

Have you ever seen such a realistic depiction of life's harsh reality? She's captured my expression beautifully.
Notice anything else?
I'll give you a hint . . . it involves the hand she is using to draw her next masterpiece . . .

She's drawing with her RIGHT hand. I'd accepted the fact that my daughter is left-handed, and then she goes and pulls a switcheroo. Wait a minute . . .

Perhaps I spoke too soon.

So which is it, girly girl? Left or right?
Only Mr. Grim Face knows, and he's not talking.
lol.......she may be one of those talented children that can write with both hands. =] I always wanted to train my left hand to I never could. =]
She's a cutie pie though. =]
So cute. My one daughter is definitely left-handed and the other right-handed. No switcheroos going on!
Well, at least she is using both sides of her brain right!?
Love the new look for your blog! It looks great! I have a boy in my preschool class who switcheroos, but I think he's finally settling in on his left hand. Maybe your darling will too. Brad bought his airline ticket to Alaska last night! He'll be up there end of May....I still couldn't work it out to come this year, maybe next year....
lol. Maybe it will come in handy one day. I broke my right finger at the beginning of 8th grade and had a terrible time trying to keep up with all my homework. I felt very uncoordinated without my right hand. Who knows, it may really come in handy one day! ha!
I love that! Thanks for the laugh!
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