The tide was really low over Memorial Day weekend, so we put on our rubber boots and headed to the beach.

Alaskan beaches at low tide aren't particularly pretty . . .

. . . they're kind of slimy . . .

. . . they're kind of weird . . .

. . . they're kind of foamy . . .

. . . they're kind of cool.
Great shots friend! Oh how I love my wellies. Do try the tooth fairy letters, the kids absolutely love them!
. . . they're kind of magnificent...
I was amazed by the pictures of your kids in the sprinklers last week. Forgive me for laboring under the delusional misconception that Alaska only has three months: July, August, and Winter.
Here in Pa we were also treated to a few days of glorious sunshine, only to be plunged back into cold, damp, dreary weather again. Except unlike you, when the weather is miserable, I don't want to go anywhere or do anything. I envy your family's outdoorsy-ness.
Your summer plans are admirable, and I wish you and your girls a magical, refreshing summer.
Ha! In a normal year, you'd be right, M! If May is any indication, however, we're in for an unusually warm and sunny summer : )
these are amazing pictures. =) I too love the ['ll use Michele's words] outdoorsy-ness of you and your girls. =) I am afraid to ask what the long thing is that your daughter is holding? lol
Your summer plans are giving me plenty to think about. Thanks for sharing those. =)
Awesome pics as always! I am totally digging your rubber boots. Where did you get those?
Hee! I told you it was weird! It's a kind of seaweed—we call it bull kelp.
Oops! I hit publish before I finished . . . was going to say, T-Ma, that the polka dot and the pink boots came from our local store, Fred Meyers. The brown boots are what you see on most Alaskans' feet—you get those bad boys from any gear shed.
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