Or is it a squid? I don't know what it is, frankly, but my youngest girl will not let it go. She lovingly refers to it as "Buggy" and refuses to climb into her bed at night unless it is firmly clutched in her hand.

Her twin sister does not approve. She does not like Buggy and refuses to play with it. She possesses, in fact, a healthy distrust of all insects. The other day, she halted her gallop across the nursery floor to crouch down, squint her eyes, and thrust out a pudgy index finger at something on the ground. She began bellowing, "Mom! Bug! Mom! Bug! Mom! Bug! Mom! Bug!" until I came over and removed the offending piece of fuzz. Several nights ago, she awoke at 2 a.m. crying and yelling, "Mom! Bug! Mom! Bug! Mom! Bug! Mom! Bug!" until I stumbled into the nursery, shook out her blankets, and tucked her back in. There was no bug. She had been dreaming about toy squids and carpet fuzz.
Grandma arrived last week for a visit. At the dinner table, she produced a novelty cup . . .
Loving, kind Grandma looked at the older twin and asked her if she wanted to drink from this atrocity. My daughter stared at her in revulsion, visibly horrified, and whispered, "No! Yukky!" Grandma lifted the cup to her mouth, took a nice big swig, smacked her lips, and declared, "Mmmm! Spiders!" Sweet, considerate Grandma then turned to the younger twin and asked if she would like a sip from the spider cup. My baby's eyes lit up and she answered enthusiastically, "YEAH!" She grabbed that cup and drank 'er down.
Dinner last night: macaroni and cheese, green beans, tossed salad with salsa ranch dressing
Kim, this is such a cute post!! Isn't it funny how they're identical yet SOOOO vastly different in personality??!! The spider glass Grandma brought over is a riot!!
Thanks for putting a smile on my face this morning!
People refer to your girls as clones??? How ignorant!!
We have the exact same "horrible gelatinous cockroach " stuck on our dining room ceiling! (Don't ask how long it's been there...
Grandma sounds like a blast!
Kim, I loved this story. Which kind Grandma drank from the spider glass? I just can't believe Pat would drink from a spider glass. Hey, Maine looks just like Alaska. Would you believe I miss Homer? Who knew? Gris, your Ma-in-law old neighbor
Gris, hi! Whaddya know?! So good to hear from you and I'm glad you found the blog. You're right—NO WAY would Grandma Hagen drink out of a spider cup!! That was my mom and her devilish sense of humor ; )
Ha, that is disgusting! That cup grossed me out. I guess you know which twin I take after....
Great thing to blog about. People need to realize how different twins can be! And Grandma is a HOOT, by the way!!! :)
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